
fast food store meaning in Chinese



  1. Just to name a few outdoor services : inspecting vegetables and poultry imported through land transportation at man kam to ; initiating investigation of reported food incidents ; handling food import applications ; checking licensed food premises such as fast food stores and restaurants from time to time
  2. To demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methods for supporting decision makers to make appropriate marketing strategies , we use computer simulations on questionnaire data for evaluating service quality of fast food stores to analyze possible combinations linguistic values that can acquire larger or smaller utilities
    本文以速食店服务品质评估之问卷资?为实验? ,由资?中找出具较大或较小消费者效用之语意值组合并进?分析,以?明所提出之方法在支援决策分析上的实用性与可?性。

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  1. fast to fastest
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  9. go faster and faster
  10. stern fast
  11. fast food shops
  12. fast food stars
  13. fast food worker
  14. fast food; mre (meals ready to eat)
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